Sunday, June 25, 2017

Southern Maine Beaches June 2017

The rocky coast of Maine is always awesome. And so were the donuts at Congdon's--rated the nations best donut shop as featured on TV--next door to our condo in Wells, Maine. And Scoop Deck's 30+ flavors of ice cream helped add a total of 5 pounds for the week.

Here's some of our best photos:

This is only the second King Rail we have ever seen. It was bringing in a lot of birders from around the state. You have to be patient to see any rail, and put up with sometimes a lot of mosquitoes. But it was worth it for this one.
Cedar Waxwings were plentiful--often selected for Christmas cards.
Common Eiders were abundant off any stretch of coast, and they apparently had a very successful breeding season, as we often saw mother eiders with a line of 10 or 12 young ones in tow.
We're generally not into flowers, but a lady was so excited to see these Lady Slippers that she personally led us back to see them. They are a neat flower.
Its hard to get warbler pictures--they only spend a few seconds in any given spot, and the spot is often behind leaves and other branches. So getting an open shot close to being in focus is tough. Yellow Warblers were common, but we were nonetheless thrilled to get such a good photo of one.
Kennebunkport is proud of George H. W. Bush--they put up a plaque along the road next to an anchor plush with compliments. This telephoto shot was taken from the anchor across a small cove. Nice little cottage the Bush's have there in Maine, isn't it.
Baltimore Orioles are always a crowd pleaser on bird walks. We are always excited to see one free in the wild.
We're always thrilled to see a Pileated Woodpecker. This female was out in the open just long enough for us to get a decent picture.
I think the Saco Heath Preserve is the first heath we've ever been on. A 2 mile out-and-back lollipop trail--most on a boardwalk across the heath--was really neat.
This Prairie Warbler was one of many we saw or heard at the heath.
We came upon this lighthouse by surprise on a trail around East Point Sanctuary in Biddeford Pool. Sorry but we don't know its name.
Here's our complete list of birds seen:

  1. Alder Flycatcher6-22-17Saco Heath PreserveYork
  2. American Black Duck6-17-17Harbor Rd--Wells MEYork
  3. American Crow6-17-17Marginal WayYork
  4. American Goldfinch6-17-17Marginal WayYork
  5. American Kestrel6-22-17Saco Heath PreserveYork
  6. American Robin6-17-17Marginal WayYork
  7. Bald Eagle6-21-17Seapoint BeachYork
  8. Baltimore Oriole6-18-17Mercy Hospital PondCumberland
  9. Barn Swallow6-17-17Marginal WayYork
10. Black Guillemot6-17-17Webhannet Dr--Wells MEYork
11. Black-capped Chickadee6-18-17Western PromenadeCumberland
12. Blue Jay6-18-17Eastern PromenadeCumberland
13. Blue-headed Vireo6-22-17Saco Heath PreserveYork
14. Bonaparte's Gull6-18-17Eastern PromenadeCumberland
15. Brant6-17-17Harbor Rd--Wells MEYork
16. Canada Goose6-17-17Harbor Rd--Wells MEYork
17. Cedar Waxwing6-18-17Eastern PromenadeCumberland
18. Chimney Swift6-17-17Marginal WayYork
19. Chipping Sparrow6-17-17Marginal WayYork
20. Common Eider6-17-17Marginal WayYork
21. Common Grackle6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
22. Common Tern6-18-17Eastern PromenadeCumberland
23. Common Yellowthroat6-18-17Eastern PromenadeCumberland
24. Double-crested Cormorant6-17-17Marginal WayYork
25. Downy Woodpecker6-22-17Saco Heath PreserveYork
26. Eastern Bluebird6-19-17RCNWR--Timber Point TrYork
27. Eastern Phoebe6-19-17RCNWR--Carson TrYork
28. Eastern Towhee6-22-17Saco Heath PreserveYork
29. European Starling6-17-17Marginal WayYork
30. Glossy Ibis6-20-17Scarborough MarshCumberland
31. Gray Catbird6-17-17Marginal WayYork
32. Great Black-backed Gull6-17-17Marginal WayYork
33. Great Blue Heron6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
34. Great Crested Flycatcher6-21-17Mt. AgamenticusYork
35. Great Egret6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
36. Green Heron6-17-17Harbor Rd--Wells MEYork
37. Herring Gull6-17-17Marginal WayYork
38. House Finch6-17-17Marginal WayYork
39. House Sparrow6-17-17Marginal WayYork
40. Indigo Bunting6-21-17Mt. AgamenticusYork
41. King Rail6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
42. Least Tern6-17-17Webhannet Dr--Wells MEYork
43. Little Blue Heron6-20-17Scarborough MarshCumberland
44. Mallard6-17-17Marginal WayYork
45. Mourning Dove6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
46. Mute Swan6-20-17Scarborough MarshCumberland
47. Northern Cardinal6-17-17Marginal WayYork
48. Northern Mockingbird6-18-17Eastern PromenadeCumberland
49. Osprey6-17-17Marginal WayYork
50. Ovenbird6-21-17RCNWR--Cutts Island TrYork
51. Pileated Woodpecker6-21-17RCNWR--Cutts Island TrYork
52. Prairie Warbler6-22-17Saco Heath PreserveYork
53. Red-bellied Woodpecker6-21-17RCNWR--Cutts Island TrYork
54. Red-eyed Vireo6-18-17Western PromenadeCumberland
55. Red-throated Loon6-17-17Webhannet Dr--Wells MEYork
56. Red-winged Blackbird6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
57. Ring-billed Gull6-19-17RCNWR--Timber Point TrYork
58. Rock Pigeon6-17-17Marginal WayYork
59. Snowy Egret6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
60. Song Sparrow6-17-17Marginal WayYork
61. Tree Swallow6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
62. Tufted Titmouse6-19-17RCNWR--Timber Point TrYork
63. Turkey Vulture6-21-17Mt. AgamenticusYork
64. White-breasted Nuthatch6-19-17RCNWR--Carson TrYork
65. White-throated Sparrow6-22-17Saco Heath PreserveYork
66. Wild Turkey6-22-17I-95 near Wells ME exitYork
67. Willet6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork
68. Willow Flycatcher6-18-17Mercy Hospital PondCumberland
69. Yellow Warbler6-17-17Eldridge Rd--Wells MEYork

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