Myrtle Beach, SC
March 28 – April 1, 2021
Lake Busbee, Burgess Coastal Preserve
and Lewis Ocean Bay Preserve are other marquee hotspots. Lake Busbee (33.82845, -79.05785)--in
nearby Conway--is reverting to the huge wetlands it once was before the
now-defunct Grainger coal-fired plant dammed it up for cooling. Busbee is also
where we saw the most number of uncommon species.
Burgess Coastal (33.83406, -78.63310) is
easy shore birding as the parking lot looks directly over the mudflats.
species, date, location, county, state
1. American Robin, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
2. Blue Jay, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
3. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
4. Boat-tailed Grackle, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
5. Bonaparte's Gull, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
6. Carolina Wren, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
7. Common Grackle, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
8. Downy Woodpecker, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
9. Eurasian Collared-Dove, 3/28/2021, McLean
Pk, Horry, SC
10. European Starling, 3/28/2021,
McLean Pk, Horry, SC
11. Fish Crow, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
12. Great Egret, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
13. Mallard, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
14. Myrtle Warbler, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
15. Northern Cardinal, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
16. Northern Mockingbird, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
17. Pine Warbler, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
18. Red-bellied Woodpecker, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
19. Red-winged Blackbird, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
20. Ring-billed Gull, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
21. White-throated Sparrow, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
22. Clapper Rail, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
23. Double-crested Cormorant, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
24. Forster's Tern, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
25. Great Blue Heron, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
26. Greater Yellowlegs, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
27. House Finch, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
28. Laughing Gull, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
29. Lesser Yellowlegs, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
30. Little Blue Heron, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
31. Snowy Egret, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
32. Tree Swallow, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
33. Willet, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
34. American Kestrel, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
35. Black Vulture, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
36. Brown-headed Nuthatch, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
37. Common Yellowthroat, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
38. Eastern Bluebird, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
39. Mourning Dove, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
40. Turkey Vulture, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
41. Black-bellied Plover, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
42. Dunlin, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
43. Killdeer, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
44. Sanderling, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
45. Semipalmated Plover, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
46. Short-billed Dowitcher, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
47. Tricolored Heron, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
11. Fish Crow, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
12. Great Egret, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
13. Mallard, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
14. Myrtle Warbler, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
15. Northern Cardinal, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
16. Northern Mockingbird, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
17. Pine Warbler, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
18. Red-bellied Woodpecker, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
19. Red-winged Blackbird, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
20. Ring-billed Gull, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
21. White-throated Sparrow, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
22. Clapper Rail, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
23. Double-crested Cormorant, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
24. Forster's Tern, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
25. Great Blue Heron, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
26. Greater Yellowlegs, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
27. House Finch, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
28. Laughing Gull, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
29. Lesser Yellowlegs, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
30. Little Blue Heron, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
31. Snowy Egret, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
32. Tree Swallow, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
33. Willet, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
34. American Kestrel, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
35. Black Vulture, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
36. Brown-headed Nuthatch, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
37. Common Yellowthroat, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
38. Eastern Bluebird, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
39. Mourning Dove, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
40. Turkey Vulture, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
41. Black-bellied Plover, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
42. Dunlin, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
43. Killdeer, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
44. Sanderling, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
45. Semipalmated Plover, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
46. Short-billed Dowitcher, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
47. Tricolored Heron, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
48. Brown Pelican, 3/30/2021,
Vereen Memorial Gardens, Horry, SC
49. American Coot, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
50. American Crow, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
51. Anhinga, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
52. Barn Swallow, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
53. Brown Thrasher, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
54. Brown-headed Cowbird, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
55. Carolina Chickadee, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
56. Common Gallinule, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
57. Eastern Towhee, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
58. Glossy Ibis, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
59. Gray Catbird, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
60. Green Heron, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
61. Osprey, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
62. Pied-billed Grebe, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
63. Pileated Woodpecker, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
64. Red-breasted Merganser, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
65. Rock Pigeon, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
66. Tufted Titmouse, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
67. American Goldfinch, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
68. Black-and-white Warbler, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
69. Canada Goose, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
70. Northern Rough-winged Swallow, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
71. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
72. Bald Eagle, 4/1/2021, Lake Busbee, Horry, SC
73. Blue-winged Teal, 4/1/2021, Lake Busbee, Horry, SC
49. American Coot, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
50. American Crow, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
51. Anhinga, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
52. Barn Swallow, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
53. Brown Thrasher, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
54. Brown-headed Cowbird, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
55. Carolina Chickadee, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
56. Common Gallinule, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
57. Eastern Towhee, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
58. Glossy Ibis, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
59. Gray Catbird, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
60. Green Heron, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
61. Osprey, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
62. Pied-billed Grebe, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
63. Pileated Woodpecker, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
64. Red-breasted Merganser, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
65. Rock Pigeon, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
66. Tufted Titmouse, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
67. American Goldfinch, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
68. Black-and-white Warbler, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
69. Canada Goose, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
70. Northern Rough-winged Swallow, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
71. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
72. Bald Eagle, 4/1/2021, Lake Busbee, Horry, SC
73. Blue-winged Teal, 4/1/2021, Lake Busbee, Horry, SC