Saturday, October 9, 2021


The Southern Maine Coast
September 12 - 16, 2021
The bird of the trip was a Great Cormorant loafing on Nubble Lighthouse Island, just 25 yards off shore. Actually I didn't discover the bird until I was looking through our photos of a large flock of loafing cormorants. One looked odd. It was larger. It had white on the side of its face. It was indeed a Great Cormorant. They are regular off the Maine coast but not common.
The Silver medal goes to a small group of White-winged Scoters flying low past the Audubon East Point Sanctuary cliffs. They were distant birds not discovered, once again, until looking through the photos.



Another good bird was the Vesper Sparrows we saw at Kennebunk Plains. We don't ever see them at home so it was fun seeing them.
We were glad and surprised at how common Merlins were up there this time of year. We saw the first one before we were in Maine an hour, jetting around the shore as though it were a swallow.

Finally it was fun to watch two Wild Turkeys walking in front of our car in the parkling lot in the early morning as we started our morning trip. Unfortunately our cameras were packed in the trunk so we couldn't get any pics.

We have been to the southern Maine Coastal area several times because there are so many great hotspots within an hour drive. We've been all over the country and its hard to find a place where you can stay for 4 days and have a top notch spot to go to every day.

Here's a list of all the birds we saw in approximate chronological order:

1. Helmeted Guineafowl 2021-09-12 Rte. 9 just W of I-89, Merrimack, NH.
2. American Crow 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
3. Chipping Sparrow 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
4. Common Eider 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
5. Double-crested Cormorant 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
6. Gray Catbird 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
7. Great Black-backed Gull 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
8. Herring Gull 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
9. Wood Duck 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
10. Mallard 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
11. Merlin 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
12. Mourning Dove 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
13. Northern Mockingbird 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
14. Red-bellied Woodpecker 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
15. Ring-billed Gull 2021-09-12 Fort Foster, York, ME.
16. Great Cormorant 2021-09-12 Nubble Light, York, ME.
17. House Sparrow 2021-09-12 Nubble Light, York, ME.
18. Belted Kingfisher 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
19. Common Yellowthroat 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
20. Eastern Phoebe 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
21. Great Blue Heron 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
22. Great Egret 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.

23. Least Sandpiper 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
24. Northern Harrier 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
25. Savannah Sparrow 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
26. Song Sparrow 2021-09-13 Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland, ME.
27. Black-bellied Plover 2021-09-13 Pine Point, Cumberland, ME.
28. Rock Pigeon 2021-09-13 Pine Point, Cumberland, ME.
29. Semipalmated Plover 2021-09-13 Pine Point, Cumberland, ME.
30. Semipalmated Sandpiper 2021-09-13 Pine Point, Cumberland, ME.
31. Snowy Egret 2021-09-13 Pine Point, Cumberland, ME.
32. American Black Duck 2021-09-14 Marginal Way, York, ME.
33. American Goldfinch 2021-09-14 Marginal Way, York, ME.
34. Black-capped Chickadee 2021-09-14 Marginal Way, York, ME.
35. Bonaparte's Gull 2021-09-14 Marginal Way, York, ME.
36. Greater Yellowlegs 2021-09-14 Marginal Way, York, ME.
37. Laughing Gull 2021-09-14 Marginal Way, York, ME.
38. Northern Cardinal 2021-09-14 Marginal Way, York, ME.
39. Wild Turkey 2021-09-15 Holiday Inn Express Biddeford, York, ME.
40. Cedar Waxwing 2021-09-15 East Point Sanctuary, York, ME.
41. House Finch 2021-09-15 East Point Sanctuary, York, ME.
42. White-winged Scoter 2021-09-15 East Point Sanctuary, York, ME.
43. Vesper Sparrow 2021-09-15 Kennebunk Plains WMA, York, ME.
44. Yellow-shafted Flicker 2021-09-15 Kennebunk Plains WMA, York, ME.
45. Blue Jay 2021-09-16 RCNWR--Carson Tr, York, ME.
46. Pileated Woodpecker 2021-09-16 RCNWR--Carson Tr, York, ME.
47. White-breasted Nuthatch 2021-09-16 RCNWR--Carson Tr, York, ME.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Dakotas+
June 1 – June 18, 2021
Our trip to the Dakotas was fantastic. We needed to put on the 5,000 miles to catch up with our lease, since COVID kept us near home for nearly a year. The heart of our target zone started north about 2
miles south of the Canadian border, from there south along the 104th longitude—a stone's throw from the Montana-Dakotas border—through Nebraska and Wyoming, all the way down into northeastern Colorado. Flowing Well Rd heads north from Westby MT to the Canadian border, and crosses back and forth between Montana and North Dakota several times, at one point actually running right on the boundary line. This also happens to be the time zone boundary between Mountain and Central times, so your dashboard clock would jump an hour ahead and a few minutes later, an hour back. It would have been fun to stand on the border with your left side at say 1:00 pm and your right
side at 2:00 pm.

I picked up four new birds on our first day in the target area—Baird’s Sparrow, Sprague’s Pipit, Chestnut-collared Longspur, and Lark Bunting—in that order.

It was a week later before I saw another new bird. Around Rapid City, SD, I picked up Cordilleran Flycatcher and Lewis’s Woodpecker. Next was McCown’s Longspur on a dirt road in the extreme northwest corner of Nebraska. Then came Williamson’s Sapsucker in a picnic area around Lily Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO—which happened to be 15° cooler than to 102° in Fort Collins, where we were staying. Finally, my last new bird was Mountain Plover, which I picked up in western Nebraska on the first day of our return trip

home, making it 9 new birds for the trip, putting me at 598 species since I was born.

Along our journey, high winds blew some debris under the car and it got caught in the wheel drum. Eventually it fell out—no problem. Only stopped twice for speeding, once in South Dakota, and once in Nebraska—but got off with warnings both times, probably because of my charming personality. Our windshield picked up a rock in Iowa and cost $$$ to replace. We beat the record heat by going out just after dawn, returning back before noon.

Here’s a list of all the species we saw on the trip in the order of the locations where we came across them:

1. American Crow, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
2. American Robin, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
3. American White Pelican, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
4. Baltimore Oriole, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
5. Barn Swallow, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
6. Black Tern, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
7. Black-necked Stilt, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
8. Blue-winged Teal, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
9. Bobolink, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
10. Brown-headed Cowbird, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
11. Canada Goose, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
12. Cedar Waxwing, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
13. Common Grackle, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
14. Common Yellowthroat, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
15. Double-crested Cormorant, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
16. Eastern Kingbird, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
17. Eastern Wood-Pewee, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
18. Forster's Tern, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
19. Gadwall, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
20. Gray Catbird, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
21. Great Blue Heron, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI

22. Great Egret, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
23. Bald Eagle, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
24. Northern Rough-winged Swallow, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
25. Black-billed Cuckoo, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
26. Killdeer, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
27. Least Flycatcher, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
28. Mallard, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
29. Mourning Dove, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
30. Northern Cardinal, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
31. Purple Martin, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
32. Red-bellied Woodpecker, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
33. Red-eyed Vireo, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
34. Red-tailed Hawk, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
35. Red-winged Blackbird, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
36. Ring-billed Gull, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
37. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
38. Sandhill Crane, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
39. Song Sparrow, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
40. Swamp Sparrow, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
41. Tree Swallow, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
42. Trumpeter Swan, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
43. Turkey Vulture, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
44. Warbling Vireo, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
45. Wood Duck, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
46. Yellow Warbler, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
47. Veery, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
48. Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 6-3-2021, Horicon NWR, Dodge County, WI
49. Caspian Tern, 6-3-2021, North Point Park, Sheborgen County, WI
50. Herring Gull, 6-3-2021, North Point Park, Sheborgen County, WI
51. Harlequin Duck, 6-3-2021, North Point Park, Sheborgen County, WI
52. Red-breasted Merganser, 6-3-2021, North Point Park, Sheborgen County, WI
53. American Goldfinch, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
54. Clay-colored Sparrow, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
55. Grasshopper Sparrow, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
56. Cooper's Hawk, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
57. Ring-necked Pheasant, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
58. Upland Sandpiper, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
59. Brown Thrasher, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
60. Yellow-shafted Flicker, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
61. Northern Harrier, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
62. White-breasted Nuthatch, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
63. European Starling, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
64. Marbled Godwit, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
65. Savannah Sparrow, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
66. Western Meadowlark, 6-5-2021, Clay Co. MN--various, Clay County, MN
67. American Coot, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
68. Northern Shoveler, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
69. Ruddy Duck, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
70. Yellow-headed Blackbird, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
71. Bonaparte's Gull, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
72. Redhead, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
73. American Black Duck, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
74. Eared Grebe, 6-6-2021, Lake Bertha, Cass County, ND
75. Baird's Sparrow, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
76. Golden Eagle, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
77. Brewer's Blackbird, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
78. Chestnut-collared Longspur, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
79. Horned Lark, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
80. House Sparrow, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
81. Vesper Sparrow, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
82. Western Kingbird, 6-7-2021, 13 Mile Landfill--Blacktail, Williams County, ND
83. Cliff Swallow, 6-7-2021, Alkali Lake, Williams County, ND
84. Semipalmated Sandpiper, 6-7-2021, Alkali Lake, Williams County, ND
85. Least Sandpiper, 6-7-2021, Alkali Lake, Williams County, ND
86. American Avocet, 6-7-2021, Flowing Well Rd, Sheridan County, MT
87. American Wigeon, 6-7-2021, Flowing Well Rd, Sheridan County, MT
88. Piping Plover, 6-7-2021, Flowing Well Rd, Sheridan County, MT
89. Sprague's Pipit, 6-7-2021, Flowing Well Rd, Sheridan County, MT
90. White-faced Ibis, 6-7-2021, Flowing Well Rd, Sheridan County, MT
91. Wilson's Phalarope, 6-7-2021, Flowing Well Rd, Sheridan County, MT
92. Wilson's Snipe, 6-7-2021, Flowing Well Rd, Sheridan County, MT
93. Swainson's Hawk, 6-7-2021, N Westby Rd, Sheridan County, MT
94. Bufflehead, 6-7-2021, Medicine Lake NWR, Sheridan County, MT
95. Green-winged Teal, 6-7-2021, Medicine Lake NWR, Sheridan County, MT
96. Lesser Scaup, 6-7-2021, Medicine Lake NWR, Sheridan County, MT
97. Northern Pintail, 6-7-2021, Medicine Lake NWR, Sheridan County, MT
98. Western Grebe, 6-7-2021, Medicine Lake NWR, Sheridan County, MT
99. Willet, 6-7-2021, Medicine Lake NWR, Sheridan County, MT
100. Lark Bunting, 6-7-2021, Rte. 16 just N of Culbertson, Roosevelt County, MT
101. American Redstart, 6-8-2021, T Roosevelt NP--North Unit, McKenzie County, ND
102. Mountain Bluebird, 6-8-2021, T Roosevelt NP--North Unit, McKenzie County, ND
103. Orchard Oriole, 6-8-2021, T Roosevelt NP--North Unit, McKenzie County, ND
104. Red-headed Woodpecker, 6-8-2021, T Roosevelt NP--North Unit, McKenzie County, ND
105. Spotted Towhee, 6-8-2021, T Roosevelt NP--North Unit, McKenzie County, ND
106. Yellow-breasted Chat, 6-8-2021, T Roosevelt NP--North Unit, McKenzie County, ND
107. Black-billed Magpie, 6-9-2021, T Roosevelt NP--South Unit, McKenzie County, ND
108. Black-capped Chickadee, 6-9-2021, T Roosevelt NP--South Unit, McKenzie County, ND
109. Chipping Sparrow, 6-9-2021, T Roosevelt NP--South Unit, McKenzie County, ND
110. House Wren, 6-9-2021, T Roosevelt NP--South Unit, McKenzie County, ND
111. Lark Sparrow, 6-9-2021, T Roosevelt NP--South Unit, McKenzie County, ND
112. Lazuli Bunting, 6-9-2021, T Roosevelt NP--South Unit, McKenzie County, ND
113. Red-shafted Flicker, 6-9-2021, T Roosevelt NP--South Unit, McKenzie County, ND
114. Common Loon, 6-10-2021, Bear Butte Lake, Meade County, SD
115. Audubon's Warbler, 6-11-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
116. Common Raven, 6-11-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
117. Eastern Phoebe, 6-11-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
118. Gray Jay, 6-11-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
119. Osprey, 6-11-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
120. Lewis's Woodpecker, 6-13-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
121. American Kestrel, 6-13-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
122. Cordilleran Flycatcher, 6-13-2021, Custer SP area, Custer County, SD
123. Black-headed Grosbeak, 6-13-2021, Circle Butte Rd, Sioux County, NE
124. McCown's Longspur, 6-13-2021, Circle Butte Rd, Sioux County, NE
125. Violet-green Swallow, 6-13-2021, Circle Butte Rd, Sioux County, NE
126. Common Nighthawk, 6-15-2021, Pawnee NG, Weld County, CO
127. Broad-tailed Hummingbird, 6-15-2021, Lily Lake--RMNP, Larimer County, CO
128. Slate-colored Junco, 6-15-2021, Lily Lake--RMNP, Larimer County, CO
129. Ring-necked Duck, 6-15-2021, Lily Lake--RMNP, Larimer County, CO  
130. Williamson's Sapsucker, 6-15-2021, Lily Lake--RMNP, Larimer County, CO

131. Mountain Plover, 6-16-2021, County Rd 14--Kimball, Kimball County, NE

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Myrtle Beach, SC
March 28 – April 1, 2021

Who knew, but one of the top birding hotspots in the entire nation is only 20 miles from the Skywheel! Huntington Beach State Park, ranked #44 out of 120,755 hotspots registered in Ebird, places in the 99.96 percentile. And if you like to take pictures of birds, the short boardwalk leading from the parking lot just across the causeway (33.506575, -79.065707) takes you through a stretch of sapling-sized trees (33.507431,-79.067025). Nothing is better than leafless trees at eye level with the sun at your back in the morning--practically studio settings. We got several of our best photos there. We ended up with 46 species in our 3 and a half hours there. We saw nine species there that we didn't see anyplace else during our trip.

Lake Busbee, Burgess Coastal Preserve and Lewis Ocean Bay Preserve are other marquee hotspots. Lake Busbee (33.82845, -79.05785)--in nearby Conway--is reverting to the huge wetlands it once was before the now-defunct Grainger coal-fired plant dammed it up for cooling. Busbee is also where we saw the most number of uncommon species. 
Burgess Coastal (33.83406, -78.63310) is easy shore birding as the parking lot looks directly over the mudflats. 

And Lewis Ocean Bay (33.80627, -78.89216) gives you a chance for three southern species seen nowhere else in the country: Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Bachman's Sparrow and Brown-headed Nuthatch--plus Venus Flytraps and Pitcher Plants.                                                                                                               

If you like Northern Cardinals and Great Egrets, they were everywhere--the most frequently and easily seen bird in the area this time of year. The most unexpected was an American Kestrel--reported only three times in the previous three years in Horry County this time of year. Here is the complete list of what we saw:
     species, date, location, county, state
 1. American Robin, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
 2. Blue Jay, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
 3. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
 4. Boat-tailed Grackle, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
 5. Bonaparte's Gull, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
 6. Carolina Wren, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
 7. Common Grackle, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
 8. Downy Woodpecker, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC  
 9. Eurasian Collared-Dove, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC 
10. European Starling, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
11. Fish Crow, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
12. Great Egret, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
13. Mallard, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
14. Myrtle Warbler, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
15. Northern Cardinal, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
16. Northern Mockingbird, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
17. Pine Warbler, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
18. Red-bellied Woodpecker, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
19. Red-winged Blackbird, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
20. Ring-billed Gull, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
21. White-throated Sparrow, 3/28/2021, McLean Pk, Horry, SC
22. Clapper Rail, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
23. Double-crested Cormorant, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
24. Forster's Tern, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
25. Great Blue Heron, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
26. Greater Yellowlegs, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
27. House Finch, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
28. Laughing Gull, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
29. Lesser Yellowlegs, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
30. Little Blue Heron, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
31. Snowy Egret, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
32. Tree Swallow, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
33. Willet, 3/28/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
34. American Kestrel, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
35. Black Vulture, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
36. Brown-headed Nuthatch, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
37. Common Yellowthroat, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
38. Eastern Bluebird, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
39. Mourning Dove, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
40. Turkey Vulture, 3/29/2021, Lewis Ocean Bay HP, Horry, SC
41. Black-bellied Plover, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
42. Dunlin, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
43. Killdeer, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
44. Sanderling, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
45. Semipalmated Plover, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
46. Short-billed Dowitcher, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC

47. Tricolored Heron, 3/30/2021, Burgess Coastal Preserve, Horry, SC
48. Brown Pelican, 3/30/2021, Vereen Memorial Gardens, Horry, SC
49. American Coot, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
50. American Crow, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
51. Anhinga, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
52. Barn Swallow, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
53. Brown Thrasher, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
54. Brown-headed Cowbird, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
55. Carolina Chickadee, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
56. Common Gallinule, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
57. Eastern Towhee, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
58. Glossy Ibis, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
59. Gray Catbird, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC 
60. Green Heron, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
61. Osprey, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
62. Pied-billed Grebe, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
63. Pileated Woodpecker, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
64. Red-breasted Merganser, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
65. Rock Pigeon, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
66. Tufted Titmouse, 3/31/2021, Huntington Beach SP, Georgetown, SC
67. American Goldfinch, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
68. Black-and-white Warbler, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
69. Canada Goose, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
70. Northern Rough-winged Swallow, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
71. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 4/1/2021, Conway--Riverfront Park, Horry, SC
72. Bald Eagle, 4/1/2021, Lake Busbee, Horry, SC
73. Blue-winged Teal, 4/1/2021, Lake Busbee, Horry, SC

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Southeast & Central Florida

February 2021

We sweat in Florida while the folks back home froze and got buried in snow. There was no normal anywhere across the country the last half of February 2021. The trails were open in every park we visited but COVID had closed all the Visitor Centers.

The bird of the trip was Fulvous Whistling Ducks. They are uncommon in central Florida but not rare. We were lucky to find a good number of them along Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, in Apopka, FL. This drive has only been open a few years and it is fast becoming the birder's place to be in the area. Only about a half hour from Orlando.The light brownish ones with the white feathers on their flanks are the Fulvous. This was only the fourth time I had seen them--and this is one of the best photos I have ever gotton.

And who from the northeast doesn't look forward to seeing a Painted Bunting?

I don't know why but Ebird is currently not showing Painted Bunting sightings in Florida. I do know they are a much sought after bird by birders and photographers from around the country. Perhaps their nesting has been disturbed by all the fuss? Those we came across were by accident.

You may be shocked to know that some of the best hotspots in Florida are within an hours drive from Orlando. We also spent time on the southeast coast but we saw many more species based in Orlando. Some of our favorite places there are the Orlando Wetlands, Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, and Twin Oaks Conservation Area. Merritt Island NWR is just a tad more than an hour away, but usually worth the drive.

Here's the list of all the birds we saw, roughly in the order we came across them:

  1. American Coot,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  2. Anhinga,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  3. Black Vulture,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  4. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  5. Blue Jay,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  6. Blue-winged Teal,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  7. Boat-tailed Grackle,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  8. Cattle Egret,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
  9. Common Gallinule,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 10. Common Grackle,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 11. Common Yellowthroat,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 12. Double-crested Cormorant,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 13. Fish Crow,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 14. Glossy Ibis,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 15. Great Blue Heron,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 16. Great Egret,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 17. Green Heron,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 18. Little Blue Heron,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 19. Solitary Sandpiper,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 20. Mottled Duck,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 21. Northern Cardinal,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 22. Northern Mockingbird,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 23. Osprey,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 24. Palm Warbler,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 25. Pied-billed Grebe,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 26. Purple Martin,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 27. Red-bellied Woodpecker,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 28. Red-shouldered Hawk,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 29. Red-winged Blackbird,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 30. Ring-billed Gull,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 31. Rock Pigeon,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 32. Snowy Egret,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 33. Tricolored Heron,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 34. Turkey Vulture,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 35. White Ibis,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 36. Wood Stork,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 37. Myrtle Warbler,  2021-02-15 , Green Cay W&NC, Palm Beach, FL
 38. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 39. Eastern Phoebe,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 40. Egyptian Goose,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 41. Eurasian Collared-Dove,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 42. European Starling,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 43. Northern Parula,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 44. Royal Tern,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 45. Tree Swallow,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 46. White-winged Dove,  2021-02-16 , Plantation Preserve, Broward, FL
 47. Brown Pelican,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 48. Laughing Gull,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 49. Lesser Black-backed Gull,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 50. Magnificent Frigatebird,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 51. Red-breasted Merganser,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 52. Sandwich Tern,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 53. Mourning Dove,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 54. Sanderling,  2021-02-17 , Mizell-Johnson SP, Broward, FL
 55. Black-and-white Warbler,  2021-02-18 , Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Palm Beach, FL
 56. Wood Duck,  2021-02-18 , Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Palm Beach, FL
 57. Spotted Sandpiper,  2021-02-18 , Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Palm Beach, FL
 58. American Wigeon,  2021-02-18 , Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Palm Beach, FL
 59. Loggerhead Shrike,  2021-02-18 , Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Palm Beach, FL
 60. Northern Rough-winged Swallow,  2021-02-18 , Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Palm Beach, FL
 61. Painted Bunting,  2021-02-18 , Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Palm Beach, FL
 62. Belted Kingfisher,  2021-02-19 , Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Palm Beach, FL
 63. Black-crowned Night-Heron,  2021-02-19 , Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Palm Beach, FL
 64. Gray-headed Swamphen,  2021-02-19 , Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Palm Beach, FL
 65. Yellow-headed Blackbird,  2021-02-19 , Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Palm Beach, FL
 66. Purple Gallinule,  2021-02-19 , Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Palm Beach, FL
 67. Roseate Spoonbill,  2021-02-19 , Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Palm Beach, FL
 68. American Kestrel,  2021-02-20 , Wellington Environmental Preserve, Palm Beach, FL
 69. Common Ground-Dove,  2021-02-20 , Wellington Environmental Preserve, Palm Beach, FL
 70. Limpkin,  2021-02-20 , Wellington Environmental Preserve, Palm Beach, FL
 71. White-tailed Kite,  2021-02-20 , Wellington Environmental Preserve, Palm Beach, FL
 72. Ruby-throated Hummingbird,  2021-02-20 , Wellington Environmental Preserve, Palm Beach, FL
 73. White-eyed Vireo,  2021-02-20 , Wellington Environmental Preserve, Palm Beach, FL
 74. American Robin,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 75. Carolina Wren,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 76. Downy Woodpecker,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 77. Gray Catbird,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 78. Orange-crowned Warbler,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 79. Cooper's Hawk,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 80. Pileated Woodpecker,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 81. Tufted Titmouse,  2021-02-22 , Shingle Creek RP--Babb Landing, Osceola, FL
 82. Caspian Tern,  2021-02-23 , Orlando Wetlands Park, Orange, FL
 83. Crested Caracara,  2021-02-23 , Orlando Wetlands Park, Orange, FL
 84. Northern Harrier,  2021-02-23 , Orlando Wetlands Park, Orange, FL
 85. Sandhill Crane,  2021-02-23 , Orlando Wetlands Park, Orange, FL
 86. Savannah Sparrow,  2021-02-23 , Orlando Wetlands Park, Orange, FL
 87. Bald Eagle,  2021-02-24 , Twin Oaks CA, Osceola, FL
 88. Eastern Meadowlark,  2021-02-24 , Twin Oaks CA, Osceola, FL
 89. Eastern Towhee,  2021-02-24 , Twin Oaks CA, Osceola, FL
 90. Swamp Sparrow,  2021-02-24 , Twin Oaks CA, Osceola, FL
 91. Short-tailed Hawk,  2021-02-24 , Twin Oaks CA, Osceola, FL
 92. Snail Kite,  2021-02-24 , Twin Oaks CA, Osceola, FL
 93. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,  2021-02-25 , Merritt Island NWR--Visitor Center, Brevard, FL
 94. Yellow-shafted Flicker,  2021-02-25 , Merritt Island NWR--Visitor Center, Brevard, FL
 95. Killdeer,  2021-02-25 , Merritt Island NWR--Black Point Wildlife Dr., Brevard, FL
 96. Northern Shoveler,  2021-02-25 , Merritt Island NWR--Black Point Wildlife Dr., Brevard, FL
 97. Reddish Egret,  2021-02-25 , Merritt Island NWR--Black Point Wildlife Dr., Brevard, FL
 98. Willet,  2021-02-25 , Merritt Island NWR--Black Point Wildlife Dr., Brevard, FL
 99. American Crow,  2021-02-26 , Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange, FL
100. Fulvous Whistling-Duck,  2021-02-26 , Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange, FL
101. Lesser Yellowlegs,  2021-02-26 , Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange, FL
102. Red-tailed Hawk,  2021-02-26 , Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange, FL
103. Ring-necked Duck,  2021-02-26 , Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange, FL
104. Ruddy Duck,  2021-02-26 , Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange, FL
105. Wilson's Snipe,  2021-02-26 , Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Orange, FL
106. Black Swan,  2021-02-27 , Lake Eola, Orange, FL
107. Mallard,  2021-02-27 , Lake Eola, Orange, FL
108. Muscovy Duck,  2021-02-27 , Lake Eola, Orange, FL
109. Mute Swan,  2021-02-27 , Lake Eola, Orange, FL
110. Trumpeter Swan,  2021-02-27 , Lake Eola, Orange, FL